“We are up and Running, but we have a few changes…
Here’s what you need to know for your next event with us!
Things are almost back to normal however since we are still going through a pandemic, there are a few rules and regulations we need to follow.
Help us prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus)!
What we ask you and your guests to do:
- Hand hygiene, clean your hands often. We also ask you to use our hand sanitiser before you write in our album book.
- Physical distancing. Please maintain a safe distance, 4 square metres per person when indoors.
- Respiratory hygiene.
- If you are sick please stay at home.
- Frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection. If you are having a private event we ask that you please keep it clean.
- Please do not touch our equipment.
- If our staff have been potentially exposed to the corona virus due to a positive case at the event, it will be the event organisers responsibility to contact us as soon as possible and no later than one working day. The organiser must also inform guests, other suppliers who attended the event.
- All photography (including us) should adhere to social distancing requirements in the photo booth as well as outside the booth, note that members of the same household are not required to physically distance.
- We also suggested that you share this blog or notify your guests, the information they need to know before the event.
iShoot Photo booth are committed to playing our part in containing the corona virus as well as ensuring you and your guests have a fun memorable moment. We don’t want you to miss out on the fun things in life, so we are here to help you.
What we are doing:
The brilliant thing about our photo booth’s is it’s completely touch free! Our photo booth attendant will operate the photo booth for you, so you and your guests will not be at risk by touching our equipment. If you have chosen to have no photo booth attendant, then we will supply sanitiser wipes for you to use on the screen before usage.
All Photo Booths will be sanitised before and after each event. We will also have sanitiser spray, for our staff to use on equipment where relevant and necessary. We will also have alcohol-based hand sanitiser next to the album book for guests to use before signing the album book.
Don’t stress it’s not all that bad (we often have customers ask us not to bring props!. We are professionals and can help you with this one! If you hire our GIF Photo booth then we will have a selection of digital props to suit your event. Otherwise your photo booth attendant will be there to help you create some fun poses. If you want to get in early and practice, then we suggest you read our “Photo Booth Guide on How to Pose without Props“.
The more room we have the better!! However we do require to have the photo booth 2 metres away from the backdrop, so we will need 2.2 x 2.2m space. Plus and area for the queue to run, when we arrive we will mark crosses on the floor ensuring there is 1.5 metres between people. Here is an example below. This will ensure our staff are safely distanced from guests using the photo booth and guests can clearly identify 1.5 metres distance between people for the queues and waiting areas.
The iShoot Photobooth Group have highly trained and socially aware staff. Especially when it comes to social distancing and hygiene. We know we are amazeballs! Not only do we know our equipment, we also have the knowledge to ensure we comply with good ergonomic practices.
We are keeping a close eye on any COVID-19 updates from the State Government and we are committed to complying with the restrictions. This means the current guidelines at the time of the event, not the time of booking. Although we don not directly control guests and others at venues or your guest’s actions directly, we will try our best to manage the photo booth area.
Our staff will manage the situation in a professional and proactive manner, however should they feel that they are at risk due to guests actions or guidelines not being followed, then they will be advised to reach a resolution with the event organiser or pack up and leave the event.
We know our staff’s movements and commit to informing your venue and/or event organiser if our staff have been diagnosed Covid-19 positive at your event. We will also report any confirmed cases of Covid-19 to authorities and cooperate fully in any following investigation.
We are in this together so our priority is your safety and ours. With our plan and rules in place we are confident that we can deliver a safe and enjoyable photo booth experience.
If you have any questions about an existing booking, or are planning an event and unsure as to whether a photo booth would be appropriate, please call/text or send us a message.
Thank you for your support during this time. A crisis is known to bring both the best and worst out of people.
You can view latest information and restrictions here: Roadmap to Easing Queensland Restrictions